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Who Loses Money in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing?

Who Loses Money in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing?

Blog by Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer, Alison C. Briggs

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a legal process that provides individuals and businesses with a fresh financial start by eliminating most of their unsecured debts. While it offers significant relief to those struggling with overwhelming debt, it’s essential to understand that not everyone benefits equally from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. In this blog, we will define Chapter 7 bankruptcy, discuss the individuals and entities impacted by such a filing, and suggest why it’s wise to hire a Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer, specifically from My AZ Lawyers, one of the leading debt relief firms in Phoenix.

Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ gesturing during a consultation with scales of justice and a gavel on the desk, symbolizing Chapter 7 bankruptcy legal services.

Defining Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Phoenix

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to as “liquidation bankruptcy,” is a legal process that allows individuals and businesses to discharge or eliminate their unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee is appointed to sell non-exempt assets, if any, and distribute the proceeds to creditors, with the remaining eligible debts discharged.

It’s important to note that not all debts can be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Certain obligations, like child support, alimony, student loans, and some tax debts, are generally not eligible for discharge.

People Impacted by a Phoenix Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing

  • Debtor: The debtor, or the person or entity filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, is the most directly impacted party. They stand to benefit from the elimination of unsecured debts but may lose non-exempt assets in the process. Exempt assets, which vary by state, are protected from liquidation in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
  • Creditors: Creditors are individuals or entities to whom the debtor owes money. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, creditors may lose money as their unsecured debts are discharged, and they may receive only a fraction of what they are owed from the liquidation of non-exempt assets. Secured creditors, who have collateral securing their loans, may not lose as much as unsecured creditors.
  • Bankruptcy Trustee: The bankruptcy trustee is appointed by the court to oversee the bankruptcy process, including the sale of non-exempt assets and the distribution of proceeds to creditors. The trustee’s role is to maximize the amount of money that can be distributed to creditors.
  • Co-signers and Guarantors: If someone has co-signed a loan or acted as a guarantor for the debtor, they may be held responsible for the debt if the debtor’s obligation is discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This can lead to financial losses for co-signers and guarantors.
  • Spouse and Family Members: If the debtor is married and files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy individually, it may still impact the non-filing spouse to some extent, as joint debts and shared property could be affected. However, the non-filing spouse’s separate assets and credit are generally protected.
  • Employees and Business Partners: In cases where a business entity files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, employees may lose their jobs, and business partners may face financial losses if the business assets are liquidated to pay off creditors.

Why Hire a Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer from My AZ Lawyers

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a significant legal and financial decision that can have far-reaching consequences. Here’s why it’s advisable to hire a Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer from My AZ Lawyers:

  • Expertise: Attorneys at My AZ Lawyers specialize in bankruptcy law and have extensive knowledge and experience in guiding individuals and businesses through the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. Their expertise ensures that you receive the best legal advice and representation.
  • Customized Solutions: Each bankruptcy case is unique, and a skilled attorney can assess your specific financial situation to determine the most suitable approach for debt relief. They will help you understand your options and create a tailored strategy to protect your assets and discharge eligible debts.
  • Asset Protection: Bankruptcy lawyers understand the exemptions available under Arizona law to protect your assets from liquidation. They can help you make informed decisions about which assets you can retain during bankruptcy.
  • Legal Advocacy: When you hire a bankruptcy attorney, you have an advocate who will represent your interests throughout the bankruptcy process. They will communicate with creditors, the bankruptcy trustee, and the court on your behalf, relieving you of the stress of handling complex legal matters.
  • Avoid Mistakes: Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without legal guidance can lead to costly mistakes and potential loss of assets. Bankruptcy attorneys ensure that you adhere to all legal requirements, helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Phoenix

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can provide much-needed financial relief for individuals and businesses drowning in unsecured debts. However, it’s crucial to recognize that not everyone benefits equally from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, as creditors, co-signers, and others may incur losses.

To navigate the complexities of Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Phoenix effectively and protect your interests, it’s highly recommended to hire a Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer from My AZ Lawyers, a reputable debt relief firm in Phoenix. Their legal expertise and personalized guidance can make a significant difference in achieving a successful bankruptcy outcome while minimizing potential financial losses. Remember that seeking professional legal counsel is a crucial step toward securing your financial future.


Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyers

668 N. 44th St. Set 320
Phoenix, Arizona 85008

Phone: (602) 509-0955